Friday, March 30, 2007
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Grimdakka Gets A Title
Most Holy God Emporer and His grandiose council. A new Ork Waaagh! has been reported in the eastern front. This rally is being led by a new warboss by the name of Grimdakka. The units encountering him have been allowed to live in order to spread the word of fear for this beast. They are reporting that this animal wishes to be referred to as
Warboss Grimdakka, Catalyst of the Cataclysm, Rex of the RagnarORKThis piece of fungus has enslaved fifteen worlds and D'alyth is the next in his swathe of destruction. He has fought and defeated a minor amount of the heretics following their pestilence god, who shall go without name. He has also defeated a task force of Space Marines, Salamanders chapter. I suggest that Ordus Xenos muster a force to wipe this animal off the planet before more important targets are hit and destroyed.
Your humble servant,
Corran Horn
Imperial Guard Liason to the Factory World of D'alyth
Update on Leman Russ
been a couple of busy weeks. finally got a little time to model tonight. previously i boxed in the cannon and added a nice big barrel tip, (hard to see but there are dags on the tip of the cannon barrel), rivets, crosshairs on the cannon (just in case), etc. tonight i modeled my grot rigger(s) and a bayonet for the heavy bolter/big shoota sorry about the poor pix.
i'm aware that the bayonet looks like it's just hanging there. gonna strap it down with a little more plasticard or wire. the grot (i think Spluch is a good name) will be removed (currently poster-puttied) for painting. my fiancee remarked that the front and back need battle damage and armour plates as well. then modelling will be complete and on to the paint shop...
as far as painting goes...thinking basic metal look with some rust 'n' dust. checks and red dags where appropriate. the big armour plate on the right side of the turret will get something painted there (graffitti like) perhaps WAAAGH! or the like, maybe the warboss's name Don Grimdakka. not sure.
the sides of the barrel are another place where graffitti and the like can be put, not sure yet. perhaps just checks.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Links to add
Links to be added:
[Bolter and Chainsword]
[Ex Libris Mortis]
[The Dark Fortress]
Second Army Ideas
Currently thinking of a few ideas for secondary armies.
As orks are so model-heavy want a less model-heavy but fun army.
Space Marine - Blood Angels
Space Marine - Black Templars
Tau - Mechanized Infantry
Chaos Space Marines - Khorne
Friday, March 23, 2007
Thoughts on Orks and prolonged battle
Just did the math out. Without adding any additional reinforcements to a group of 10 orks (sluggas) vs. a unit of 10 MEQs the orks will lose in 5 rounds of combat (barring any morale breaks).
Points-wise, a standard marine is 6 points more expensive than a slugga (15points vs 9 points) so in 5 rounds of combat the orks will have removed 135 points of marines vs 90 points of orks. The 45 point difference will allow more bodies on the battlefield. If the units were equal in point cost say 15 sluggas vs a unit of 10 MEQs.
In 3 rounds of combat points-equal orks will (statistacally) kill a points-equal force of MEQs. This result does not take into account any sort of special weapons or characters (sergeants, etc.)
Looted Russ wip
Movie thoughts, Army ideas
Working 2 jobs, one at Blockbuster video, then the real job at Preferred Care.
Thinking about movies i would show at BB (when i'm not supposed to), i thought i completely agree with George Carlin:
i would rather show an X rated movie to children than a movie full of blood, gore, and violence. a movie of people making love over people killing each other. that said, at work i am more apt to put on "Conan" (1 scene of "sex" where a woman is brought to Conan's cage after he wins a duel to the death) than i am to put on "Emmanuelle in Space" or "The Red Shoe Diaries". Wierd. my conformist is showing. sorry.
this week has been terrible for my 40k army. didn't get any modelling in. but i did come up with my 1500 point army list i will (assuming i can make it) be playing at Marines over Miami (
my orks are coming along.
amy has me worried that i "over-modelled" my leman russ tank.
current 1500 point codex orks army list:
Warboss Don Grimdakka- eavy armour, cybork body, iron bonce, PK, choppa
trukk boyz (Grimdakka's ride) 9 boyz - burna; trukk: red paint, rokkit
trukk boyz x10 - burna; nob: pk, choppa; trukk: red paint, rokkit
storm boyz x15
slugga boyz x20 - rokkits x3; nob: pk, choppa, ammo runts x2
slugga boyz x20 - rokkits x3; nob: pk, choppa, ammo runts x2
buggies x2 - skorcha, red paint, spikes n blades, stikkbomb chucka
killa kan - big shoota
killa kan - big shoota
looted leman russ - battle cannon, heavy bolter, grot riggers, armour plates
need to get a couple more nobs and some storm boyz. and 2 trukks. i have one but it's the GW model that looks like trash. i am really excited about some of my ideas for trukks. more conversion work:
one trukk will be an old lowrider cadillac with an ork riding shotgun with a rokkit launcher on his shoulder.
- need to put together some of my fantasy gobbos so that i can model them into ammo runts.
- need to put together the stormies i have
- need to convert the shoota boyz i have into slugga boyz.
- need to finish converting and paint drivers for the buggies and trukk.
- need to finish and GS the nob on my computer desk so that he can be primed
- need to prime one and paint both killa kans
ideas on the tactics of the army: the warboss will be attached to a trukkboyz mob. this way he'll see some fighting. both trukks will roll up supporting eachother with the buggies screening if needed. would like to be able to attack from a flank as there's more opportunity to consolidate into another unit, less chance being shot up on the way in, etc. buggies spout flamey-goodness at anything in range, tank shock if needed. the trukks blow their load onto the battlefield and the orks charge. stormies to be the 2nd wave. then the kan-shielded boyz will make up the third wave.
thoughts on other models, the other "trukk" could be a tracked-catipillar type bulldozer with a towed gas/water/milk tanker with flat tires a la "Tremors". the tanker would be cut in half so that the boyz could fit in.