Tuesday, November 13, 2007

1st 10 Plague Marines - Check

Ok, so I can officially say that my first 10 plague marines are modeled.

after seeing Davicious Prime's models onB&C i had to go back and add some nurgle iconography to my models.

I got my inspiration from his GS work here.

Again, crappy lighting = crappy pictures. Sorry. Someday i'll be able to shoot in daylight with a lightbox...

once i paint them the GS work should stand out a bit better...

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Gah! decisions!

So I thought I had my army all set, had all my units ok and chosen. then I re-read and crunched numbers and stuff on my army.

Now I'm torn...

Do i run a plague wing theme-y or do i run plague wing competitive?
do I run the Terminators with Icon of Nurgle (+1T) or Icon of Tzeentch (+1Inv)
or do i have both options depending on my opponent?

The idea crossed me that, what do you shoot at a Terminator? one does not shoot a terminator with a bolter or bolt pistol. one shoots a terminator with your best armour piercing item you have in order to negate the terminator 2+ armour save.
that means, Plasma and autokill weapons.
Plasma @ S7 will negate my armour save no matter which choice i make due to it's AP. with icon of nurgle he still needs to roll 3s to deal a wound (t5) and i get a 5+Inv for termy armour.
with icon of tzeentch he still needs to roll 3s (t4) to wound and it still idnores my armour save but instead of a 33% chance to make my invulerable save i have a 50% +(4+inv) invulnerable save. negating 16% of wounds due to plasma.

+with Lascannons (S9, AP1 or 2, i forget) instakill on Tzeentch, but they still get their 4+inv. Not instakill on Nurgle, but wound on a 2 with no armour save.
+Icon of Tzeentch is 35 points for a unit instead of 40 for Nurgle.

Those are the benefits.

Now the detriments
-it's not nurgle, which makes it not plague wing.
-it's blue :(
-it's really un-fluffy Tzeentch hopes to change his followers while Nurgle wishes to keep them the same.

Now again, I can model and paint up both units of termies and use one in more serious games and one in friendly games. I can model the Tzeentch termies as starting Nurgle corruption showing that nurgle wins, but Tzeentch is still struggling

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Ideas abound!

Idea for army.

I want to use poppy seeds as "bugs" on my Plague Wing bases. another idea, make maggots out of green stuff.

Maggots would go on Plague Marines Bugs would go on Termies.


Awesome paint and modelling job, more inspiration.

looks like he used a zombie arm on one model to show it without the armour. painted the fingers black and skin a dead-pale color. love-it!

Makes me think a bit more about my marines. he has a shoulder pad with a *chunk* taken out of it and a piece of msh beneath. awesome idea.
he's got more damage on his armour, looks more "melted".

i still need one box of marines and one box of terminators. will make some of them more damaged. probably before i take them off the sprue or shortly thereafter. the only problem with doing the damage then is knowing where it will end up when the model is assembled...

PlagueWing Termy pics

Again, crappy lighting = crappy pictures, but it's progress.
also, all the detail work will be a lot more visible after paint.

Plague Wing WIP pictures

1st up Plague marines.
I went ahead and greenstuffed all the fun boils and sores all over them, these are just a few of my boys. also there's tubes sticking out and combat damage (bullet holes, cracks in the armour)
sorry, crappy lighting = crappy pictures

Friday, October 26, 2007

Icon Ideas

So my termies need an icon.

I was thinking of using the Icon of Chaos Glory from the Chaos Space Marines box and modelling a triangle of greenstuff to look like hives or pustules over it. similar to the ones used here on the shoulder pad:

More Math Hammer

So, in my drive to work this morning I got to thinking. how would my orks fare against my new plague wing.
SO i thought up the following scenario:

how many basic troops would it take to drop a single model of the opposite army?

So I used Slugga Boyz vs. Plague Marines.
1st up Plague Marines charging a Slugga Boy.
Plague Marine gets 2 swings on the charge and with a higher initiative. 50% of those will hit making 1 hit.
with that 1 hit we have 50% chance to wound making for 0.5 wounds.
with their measely save 16% of those wounds will be saved for a remainder of 0.41 kills.
by that we know that we would need 3 Plague Marines (5 swings) to drop one Ork in one round of close combat. Making 69 points to kill 9 points of orks.

On the flip side:

Orks get to double their initiative with Power of the Waaagh! to 4 on the charge. two attacks base +1 for the charge, +1 for the 2nd cc weapon. however, Plague Marines have blight grenades which negate the charging bonus.
1 Ork gets 3 attacks @ 50% to hit = 1.5 hits
1.5 hits @ 33% to wound = 0.50 wounds
0.50 wounds@ 33% chance to miss the armour save = 0.16 missed saves
0.16 missed saves @ 50% chance on Feel No pain = 0.08 kills.
From this we can determine that we need 36 Ork hits to kill one Plague Marine. This comes to 12 Orks (108 points) to kill 23 points of Plague Marines.

What this works out to is you need 11.99 points of Orks to kill one point of Plague Marines while you only need 2.39 points of Plague Marines to kill one point of Orks

Winner: Plague Marines

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Plague Wing Progress

The unit of Chaos Space Marines I had purchased have been modeled.
I scored cracks in their armour, drilled small holes to represent bolter shots and took out chunks of the armour around the bolter holes with my xacto.

then i learned how to work greenstuff. (albeit beginner-style) i've put at least 2 areas of festering wounds on each plague marine. and (imo) they look GOOD. pictures are forthcoming, was just too damn tired last nght.

last nights work consisted of greenstuffing the termies to make them look good 'n' Nurgly. again, came out as well as the Plague Marines

i'm out of superglue so will pick some up in the near future. when I do i will be able to use the guitar string as hoses (poking out of the helmet and armour)

again, pictures are forthcoming.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Plaguewing Update

1st off: I worked the Warlords of Miami 1500 point RTT this weekend. Had fun, checking out armies (not a fan of Blue Table's painting, waaay too $$ for way too little work).
I picked up a box o' termies to work on my plague wing. i also picked up some guitar string and sculpting tools. i will be using the guitar string on the termies to make them more "nurgly" and the sculpting tools will be used to enhance my Greenstuff skills.

2nd I'm looking at bringing my Plaguewing list up to 1500 points and i'm at a loss as to what to add:
2 more termy squads2 more plague marine squads1 plage marine squad + 1 termy squad
+ Badass looking
+ Deep Striking
+ Reaper Autocannons
- $ Expensive (5 for $50)
- Point expensive

Plague Marines:
+ Rhinos
+ Plasma guns are less lethal
+ Feel No Pain
+ Fearless
+ $ Cheap ($35 for 10)
- Not Plaguewing

Basically if i add 2 termy squads i need to decrease the squad size of the plague marines. this would compromise one of my rules in building the list: 7 models to a unit
however, 2 plague marine units would mean i've got 4 plague marines and one unit of termies. thus i don't think i could call it a "plague wing" at that point.
one unit of each would then give me 3 plague marines (good at holding objectives) and 2 termies, good, but i think it could be done better.

I like the thought of deep striking 3 units of termies, but i'm not guaranteed to get them all at once, which sucks. and piecemeal i may as well just serve them up on a plate. Not a lot of experience on the subject between my playgroup and people online, but fielding the question anyways.
Perhaps i'll add uints after the "base" plaguewing is done that aren't as "plaguewing-y" maybe obliterators and stuff.

side thought: an apocalypse game with the plague wing:
3 units of termies
3-4 units of plague marines in rhinos
1 daemon prince w/wings
1 chaos sorcerer in termy armour
1 chaos Drednaught (heavy?)
2 3 man teams of obliterators

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Strategum Plague Wing

Plague Marines -
+ Make dead hard objective holders.
+ In cover with 3+ armour saves. being assaulted means striking @ I10 and the opponent loses the charging bonus attacks due to Blight Grenades.
+ T5 means MEQs wound on 5's. (33% chance to wound)
+ 3+ save means 66% chance to wound (Down to 21.78% wounds)
+ Feel No Pain means 10.89% dead Plague Marines per attack (9.1827 hits = 1 kill)
+ Keep together in order to reinforce overlapping fire lanes

Rhinos -
+ Move footslogging plague marines up the board
+ smoke makes the tin-foil armour of the rhinos a little more survivable
+ once troops unload Rhinos provide mobile cover
+ two rhinos can funnel enemy into a turkey shoot

Terminators -
+ Deep strike off of plague marines icons
+ provide close support to plague marines
+ T5 again means 33% to hit from MEQs
+ 2+ armout save means 10.89% dead termies (9.1827 hits = 1 kill)

Daemon Prince -
+ Not insta-killable
+ Strength + 2D6 armour penetration
+ Wings allow it to keep up with the rhinos
+ Psychic power - Wind of Chaos to kill masses of enemies shooting-style. May use Nurgle's Rot instead as the DP will most likely be in hand-to-hand and kill as many enemy as possible.

Basically, roll the rhinos up to an objective and "camp" it. Unload plague marines then deep strike the termies in the area. Termies provide close support and some assault punches. Daemon prince to tie up squads (squishy-squishy) who may be too much for my Plague Marines and Termies to handle. Essentially "turtling" on the objective while the enemy comes to me.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

1st Squad

Almost done with my first squad. Finish modelling them last night, adding in some more holes in the armour and such.
will need to add more to the legs and backs.
also gotta get myself a sculpting tool in order to sculpt the greenstuff for boils and sores and stuff.
once that stuff is on they'll be done. i've got 10 of my 14 Plague Marines modeled.

I have:
1 Aspiring Champion w/pfist & Bolt pistol
1 with Plasma Gun
1 with Meltagun
1 with Icon of Nurgle
2 with Bolter
4 with bolt pistol and CCW

To Buy:
1 box 'o' Chaos Space Marines
2 Chaos Rhinos
1 Daemon Prince of Nurgle
2 boxes 'o' Termies

Monday, October 15, 2007

Plague Marines

Bought a box 'o' Plague Marines a week or so ago. The package says "multipart metal and plastic miniatures". When they say "plastic and metal" they mean that the base is plastic. oh, the backpack is plastic as well.

i hate metal minis. a.) they have to be pinned. b.) you have to use super glue. c.) they're fragile. d.) they're hard to convert. e.) they have gaps which need filling.

so, needless to say, i built them. some of the scuplts are okay, but they're a bitch to convert and i didn't have the patience to pin them all. so i think they'll be my paint tests.

Saturday i bought a box of chaos space marines. 10 marines. the plastic ones. i love 'em. ised my pin vise and xacto to put holes in the armour. think i'll get a sculpting tool next pay period and greenstuff some boils and sores onto them.

then to the paint shop. gonna be primed white then painted camo green. metal will be done boltgun any boils and sores should be pink or purple, skulls and horns bleached bone. then to tha dip! minwax polyshades walnut stain. this should give a good shading to the model. then perhaps a layer or two of highlights.

to do list:
finish modelling
get sculpting tool
make boils and pustules
prime white
buy camo green (2 pots?)
basecoat camo green
metal boltgun
horns/skulls bleached bone
pustules/boils pink or purple (maybe purple with a pink highlight after dipping?)
buy poppy seeds for bugs
Buy Purity Seal
Buy Testors Dulcote

i really think these will turn out well. must make sure to paint test models first.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Bored Orks

So I think my lack of progress on my Orks is because I think I’m bored of all things Orky. I await the new ‘dex. Hopefully a little more life can be put into them. I will set aside my green tide for the time being. Including my project Trukk replacement.

I think I need to try a model-light army which is why I’m going with Chaos.

I have bought my first box of Plague Marines. I have started my PlagueWing.
I have decided that I do not like the look and options of the Plague Marines. I will be building my plague marines out of Chaos Space marines with some GreenStuff’ing of boils and such. Would like the champions to have a horn coming out of a random place.

My pin vice will be hard at work putting holes in armour. My Xacto will be dulled by putting gouges in the armour.

My Plague Marines I have will be my paint tests. I plan on dipping them. So the paint plan will be:
Spray White
Spray Green (camo-green) basecoat
Paint armour, flesh, etc.
Dip in Minwax Polyshades Walnut stain
1-2 highlight layers
Base (use poppy seeds inked black as bugs).

Monday, October 8, 2007

PlagueWing Begun

went to the local store, Joel's, to purchase a box of Chaos Space Marines that I could convert into hard-ass Plague Marines to begin my Plaguewing army. unfortunately...as luck would have it...Joel didn't have any...figures. so i bought a box of metal plague marines.

i hate 'em.

i think they're going to be paint proofs. prime and undercoat them then dip 'em. being metal i was going to pin them but then thought of pinning the entire army, and said "fuck it".

either going to wait till israel's store is open to purchase more of my plaguewing or use Neal at the Warstore.

bummed. :(

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Final Draft - 1st Contagion PlagueWing

Ok, I think this is the final draft of my list. I have touched upon anti-tank. I have dropped the bikes. I think this should be my build list.

1st Contagion PlagueWing
HQ: Daemon Prince (Brother Funesto) - Mark of Nurgle, Wings, Wind of Chaos - 180pts
Troops: Plague Marines x7 (Squad Foedus) - Champion w/pfist, Melta x2, Personal Icon, Rhino - 261pts
Troops: Plague Marines x7 (Squad Detritus) - Champion w/pfist, Plasma x2, Personal Icon, Rhino - 271pts
Elites: Chaos Terminators x7 (Squad Pox)- Icon of Nurgle, Combi Melta x2, Reaper Autocannon - 285pts
995 points
24 models (including rhinos)
41.45 points per model
53.46% Troops28.64%
Elite18.09% HQ

When time comes to bring it up to 1500 points I believe another squad of Termies will be dropping in, along with some bikers. Basically running the Rhinos up front, deep striking off of the icons and if possible run the bikes behind the enemy and deep strike the termies behind as well causing a crossfire?
But for now, just the 1000 point list.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Revision to Plaguewing

So some holes have been punched in my previous list, but that's good! I asked for constructive criticism in order to help make a more fun and competitive list.
points of note:
1.) bikers too vulnerable. my fix for this was taking raptors @ 5 to a squad, but that would have been in the same boat after 2 kills. then the idea dawned to drop them altogether! loosening up 150 points for elsewhere. and it kept me a bit fluffier as i now wouldn't have a squad of 3 in an army made up of 7's.
2.) Lord wasn't right for the army. i looked back in the codex and read up on sorcerers and saemon princes and i think a DP will work better in the army. although more points than the lord, i think he'll be more effective as i can deep strike him if i like, he can't be instakilled, toughness 6 means it'll take a lot to kill him. also means that he can take out tanks and non-fearless units have to test to get into CC with him.
3.) Plague Marines were too vulnerable. It was suggested to give them rhinos. so i did, and they're super cheap!
3.) Not enough anti-tank. so i added some meltas and stuff.

without further adieu the revised list 10/1/07
HQ - Daemon prince - Mark of Nurgle, Wings, Wind of Chaos - 180 pts
Troops - Plague Marines x7 - Melta Guns x2, Personal Icon, Champion w/pfist, Rhino - 261 points
Troops - Plague Marines x7 - Plasma Guns x2, Personal Icon, Champion w/pfist, Rhino - 271 points
Elites - Chaos Terminators x7 - Icon of Nurgle, Combi Meltas x2, Reaper Autocannon - 285 points
997 points
24 models (including rhinos)
41.54 points per model
53.36% Troops
28.58% Elite
18.05% HQ

I also thought about this today after adding in the rhinos, this is now very similar to the mech- idea i wanted in the beginning!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

I've been toying with the idea of a Chaos 2nd army for a while now and really like the Deathwing SM army, but don't want to play SM.
I drew up a quick list of what I would need for a PlagueWing army:
1.) Termies
2.) Delivery system (Chosen, Raptors or Bikers)
3.) Nurgle on everything (it's not ChaosWing, it's PlagueWing!)
4.) Keep unit sizes at 7 (keep it somewhat fluffy, not a HARD requirement)

With those parameters I drew up the following 1,000 Point list:

HQ - Chaos Lord - Termie Armour, Mark of Nurgle, Daemon Weapon - 155pts
Troops - Plague Marines x7 - Champ w/pfist, plas gun x1 - 216pts
Troops - Plague Marines x7 - Champ w/pfist, plas gun x1 - 216pts
Elite - Chaos Terminators x7 - Icon of Nurgle, Champ - 260pts
Fast - Chaos Bikers x3 - Icon of Nurgle - 149pts ==================================================
25 models
39.84 points per model
43.37% Troops
26.10% Elite
15.56% HQ
14.95% Fast Attack

Issues raised with this list:
1.) Bikers are too vulnerable. With only 3 of them if one dies they *may* run.
2.) Not enough delivery systems. Only icon is the bikers.
3.) Basic troops not defended enough. Was suggested to bring rhinos for each Plague marine squad in order to work as mobile terrain and get them in range faster.
4.) Termies need upgrades. I know a reaper autocannon would be nice, but can't squeeze it in points-wise.

Possible fixes:
1.) drop termy squad to 4 or 5, freeing up points for upgrades of termies and rhinos.
2.) change 3 bikers (who will be testing after the first kill) to 5 raptors with an icon who will have to take 2 kills before a test is needed.
3.) specialize termies. not sure how, close combat or shooty? one would say that a CC termy would really benefit from his 2+ save, but a shooty termy would benefit from being able to move + shoot heavy weaps.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Death Guard/Plague Wing

Again, I still think a Plague Wing would be possible (if hard to play) at 1000 points. Got the new codex and will toss around numbers tonight.

I had read on one person's army blog that he had used poppy seeds as basing material as a swarm of bugs. inked black and gloss coated.

Also reading up on modelling on Dysartes.

thinking of a name...

Looking up synonyms for Death Guard
words I like for Guard: Aegis, Paladin, Custodian
words I like for Death: Putrid, Rancid, Noxious, Carrion
Both: Corpus Delicti

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Thoughts on PlagueWing

Thoughts on a PlagueWing army...
Basically a unit or 2 (in big games) of bikers with homing beacons (or chosen with beacons infiltrating) which can call forth the Nurgle icon'd Terminators. There would be some Nurgle and/or plague marines as well as some sort of HQ. POSSIBLY a rhino, but most likely footsloggers, however footsloggers would not fit well into the army and wouldn’t make a lot of sense.

My question is this: would deep striking and biker Nurgle troops be SUPER cheesy? I know you said in a game we had played that they don't generally use transports or fast attack, but with the new codex would it be conceivable that while not Death Guard, they could be a Nurgle worshipping chapter who happens to use those elements?

So with that said army concepts:
1.) Fast deployment of 2+ squads of Terminators
2.) All squads are marked by Nurgle
3.) If infiltrating homing beacon, then footslogging troops
4.) If biking beacon, then transport troops (Rhino)

Infiltrating the homing beacons:
+ Cheaper, points-wise, more models on the table.
+ Slower moving (walking troops up the field)
+ Heavy weapons available close to target

Biking the homing beacons:
+ Fast
+ REALLY cool looking models
+ Low model count = lower financial commitment
+ Possible late game objective grabbers

Monday, September 24, 2007


Thought of the day:
still considering a 2nd army, even with the new orks coming out. still thinking along the lines of Chaos as I think that in small numbers they still pack a punch and aren't as mainstream as space marines.
addition to those thoughts are the idea of a Nurgle-marked army playing as Plaguewing. A unit of bikes with a homer beacon racing up the battlefield to dump a unit of Nurgle Termies in front of the enemy. The bikers getting stuck in all the while the basic nurgle troops walking up the field.

Pro's and Con's:
+Low model count
+awesome models
+T6 Bikes?!?!?!
+fun to play
-unfluffy (Plague Marines don't use bikes)
-some major conversion
+less than orks!
+i have plenty of green paint!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Proposed new Army

Warboss - Choppa, Power Klaw, Eavy Armour
Big Mek - KFF, Choppa
Grots x20 - Slaver - Rokkit
Slugga Boyz x18 - Rokkits, Nob - Power Klaw
Slugga Boyz x17 - , Nob - Power Klaw
Killa Kan x3 - Big Shootas
Killa Kan x3 - Big Shootas
Killa Kan x2 - Big Shootas

Friday, September 7, 2007

Chaos Neutered, Orks Living Large

So i've seen (what I hope to be) pretty reliable leaks of the Chaos and Ork codices.

The new Chaos codex really turned me off of playing chaos. Vanilla-fy's what is a really cool army.

The new Ork codex, takes some of my favorite stuff out, but puts in a bunch more. example: Orks lose Choppas. but they also are 3pts cheaper and gain Furious Assault (+1S +1A on charge). I haven't heard any rumors about a change in the ork stat line (good and bad). i had seen that grots could get their BS pushed up to 3, which would be inconsistent with fluff, orks should be better or equal BS with Grots.
hoping they don't take the ork base 2 attacks Strength 4 would be nice, but i've lived with S3 for 5 years now, so not expecting much in that.

thinking the Furious Assault adds 1 attack and strength on charge stacks with the +1 attack for assaulting and +1 for 2 CC weapons.

Ork base attacks 2
2 CC weapons +1
Charging +1
Furious Assault +1

5 Attacks per model in the Kill Zone!!!! gah!

Adding to the list

Picked up some styrofoam @ work which will make cool dragon's teeth tank traps and gun emplacements.

so now the to do list looks like so:
  • Build tank traps (would like to have done for Tuesday)
  • Build gun emplacements (would like to have done for Tuesday)
  • Pebble and sane building (would like to have done for Tuesday)
  • Texture building (would like to have done for Tuesday)
  • Spray prime building (would like to have done for Tuesday)
  • Paint building (would like to have done for Tuesday)
  • Paint tank traps (would like to have done for Tuesday)
  • Paint gun emplacements (would like to have done for Tuesday)
  • Paint Nob (fix primer)
  • Paint Burna Boy
  • Finish Modelling trukk

and here I was thinking i didn't have much to do.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

I picked up some "textured" paint @ michael's yesterday and tested it out on a pice of scrap foamboard and then after it dried i went ahead and primed it black. it gives a great texture (particles aren't too big). it takes a primer well. i haven't tried drybrushing over it, but i think it won't be a problem as the texture looks like it's gonna hold real nice.

on deck for the piece:
  • battle damage, wear and tear (bullet holes, blasts, etc)
  • finish my crater:
  • chop down and un-even the rim, round out the bottom, sand and rubble the outside and glue it to the base.
  • sand and rubble the base
  • texture the building
  • prime and paint

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

More terrain

More progress on the terrain, built a bomb crater last night. Posted to The Waaagh! where i got the advice to chop down the rim a bit and uneven it. also to round out the bottom. i thought perhaps the crater may have been a bit big, but i was assured that it looked good in the model.

picked up some textured spray paint in order to texture the walls.

hopefully i will have it ready for next game club night.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Gaming Club and Terrain

So Friday night a group from Sunshine got together outside of Sunshine and played at a new place. Was a little warm to start, but after the sun went down we were much more comfortable. the AC should be fixed before soon which should alleviate some of this.

in moving venues we will not have access to Joel's terrain. we made do Friday with sheets of paper (being blown around by the fans circulating the one AC's cold air) with RUINS, HILL, FOREST printed on them. so I thought it would be cool to build some terrain to (hopefully) get some other people into building it for the group.

first shot with Barry, the scale ork:

and then the finished product:

I think I want a blast crater in the center of the building in order to explain why the building is in shambles. thought about sandbags too a la' the Forgeworld piece Rudy did, but i think i would be over modeling it at that point. and i would like to add more terrain to our group.

FYI, at the moment it is all built from 1/4" foamboard.
glued with PVA glue
the base is 12" x 12"
to get to the point currently is about 3 hours.

foamboard - on sale at michaels $1.97
Forgeworld Resin piece - $50


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Auto Shop

did a bit more work on the Trukk. cut the front seat so it looks more to scale. widened the viewing port in the windshield. built "fins" on the front fenders. built the bases of the rear tracks.


The Russ is done with Kommander Kraknek at the helm.

Amy was out of town for a couple days and I couldn’t snap some pix of it:

Left Side:

Right Side:

Also, the truck has had some work on it as well, as I’ve stated it’s now one piece, if I bust ass I can have it at gaming level by Opening night @ the Elk’s Lodge.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Shortening the list

Been a busy week for work and play, but shortening the list of sh*t to do on my Orks:

still need to do:
  • dullcote the Russ
  • fill gaps on new nob done
  • paint new nob
  • model drivers/gunners for buggies/trukk 80% modelled trukk driver with gunner coming soon
  • model one of my shoota boyz into a burna boy done
  • paint burna boy

Amy has the digital camera, so pictures should be up this weekend or sometime next week.

the trukk/car is coming along slowly. still no wheels/tracks, needs more armour plating in the front/back/side and driver/gunner. thinking of either an armour plated grille or a set of push bars.

need to figure out how to get the tracks and front tires to look "worky"

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Busy Night!

gah! the internet ate my first post of this.

was super busy last night modelling.
  • modelled my Russ commander
  • painted the commander
  • attached him to the tank
  • touched up scrapes on hatch on Russ
  • modelled power klaw on nob
  • attached power klaw to nob
  • cut off choppa on nob and replaced with slugga
  • continued work on wartrukk
    • reattached halves
    • added armour plates to help cover up join lines
    • strengthened attachment joints with plates of plasticard

still need to do:
  • dullcote the Russ
  • fill gaps on new nob
  • paint new nob
  • model drivers/gunners for buggies/trukk
  • model one of my shoota boyz into a burna boy
  • paint burna boy

This list is getting shorter and shorter. maybe it's time to start building riggers, grots, and ammo runts. need to make one more nob for trukk boyz. will need one more for other trukk boyz mob.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Wartrukk progress

well, a little progress on the wartrukk, last night i took Kr00za's (from the waaagh) advice and chopped down the length. got a little scared that i was ruining the model about 1/2way through when some of the glue that held it together started to fail. then i realized i paid less then $5 for the model. and all i would be losing out on would be a couple hours i've put into modeling it thus far.

So i cut out the rear wheel well. will have to cut a chunk out of th fender when i get the tracks on the back. not sure if i want to do track guards for them, not very orky. have been thinking about what to do to make it look worky when i do put the tracks on, what do i use for an axle, etc. and i remembered my damned box 'o' pens i bought. a pen barrel will make a great axle and spacers for the tracks!

Pre-op plans:


wip pix:

Post-surgery, gluing the interior of the door to the exterior. boy i could use a set of small clamps!

ooh! i almost forgot, i've armour plated the windshield. it doesn't look quite right now, but it's coming along.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Biker Boyz

I'm not sure how I feel about adding bikes to my Ork army. There are definitely other, more important things I think I need to add, but, I like the idea of orks on bikes FULL 'O' DAKKA.

Then I remembered, the owner of the sotre I used to play @ in NH drove a motorcycle that looked like a WWII German military bike with the sidecar. that would be a great centerpiece for a unit of ork bikers with an ork in the sidecar with an awe inspiring DAKKAlicious gun strapped to the sidecar.

Looked up some reference pix. Apparently the guy drove a
'97 Ural Sportsman. Very similar to the

BMW R71.

Currently on my list of "things to do with my army":
  • Finish modelling the trukk/car
  • model the other trukk/car
  • model drivers/gunners/commanders for trukks/buggies/Russ
  • start an Orky BMW R71

Friday, August 10, 2007

2 Losses

So far I've got two consecutive losses with the new adjusted 750 point list. Too much armour penetration in it and not enough rounds going downrange. I think it's time to turn back to the original 750 points list or adjust this list to include more dakka. perhaps lowering the number of boyz in order to fit in another killer kan and arming both with big shootas.

still want to keep the wartrukk with 9 boyz as-is and included in the list. the burst of speed and 21" assault is amazing to catch people off guard. perhaps in 750 points dropping from 20 man strong squads to 15 each, saving 90 points. if i drop 90 points of boyz for 2 more kans i can march up behind the kans and not necessitate the extra ablative wounds needed for walking up the field.


8/9/07 750 points of Orks vs. Tyranids

750 points of Orks vs. Tyranids

Warboss – Slugga, Choppa, ‘Eavy Armour, Cybork Body
Trukk Boyz x9 – Burna; Nob – PK, Choppa; Trukk – Red paint, rokkit launcha
Slugga Boyz x20 – 3x Rokkit Launcha; Nob – PK, Choppa
Slugga Boyz x20 – 3x Rokkit Launcha; Nob – PK, Choppa
Killa Kan – Rokkit Launcha

He played:
Winged Hive Tyrant
Winged Warriors x4
Zoanthrope x2
Something with Twin Linked devourers
Gaunts upon gaunts upon gaunts (30-40 or so)

We played alpha level take and hold (the one with only the center objective). When he was setting up, I realized that I was way outnumbered and prepared for a MEQ army with all my armour penetration (rokkits all around) and *not* a swarmy army.

Took out his warrior unit quick enough, and he smashed my kan to pieces (this list I think needs another, prolly drop some boyz for it). The unit who smacked down the warriors (including my Warboss) got shot to hell and failed the morale test then the mob check, they ran and mobbed up with the unit dancing with the hive tyrant and a unit of gaunts.

When push came to shove I was down to one unit of boyz who had killed the gaunts and were finishing up on the hive tyrant. A unit below ½ strength who had been shot to hell and assaulted by gaunts and fought them off bravely. I realized that I would have one unit capable of capturing the objective, where he had 3-5. There was no way I could have laid them all out in one turn to at least pull the draw and I conceded.

I am happy how my warboss handled the winged warriors. I wish he had gotten into hth with the hive tyrant, but, meh, next time. I am not used to playing for objectives or I would have dumped all my boyz up on it and let them come to me. I may consider a unit of shoota boyz as a defensive gun line.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

So I started work on the first of my new wartrukks. A ’58 Plymouth Belvedere. I was inspired by Ken’s “One Piece at a Time” Cadillac and the cover for the PS2 game 187 Ride or Die Picture

  • model Nomad trukk
  • model a commander for the russ.
  • finish modeling buggy drivers/gunners
  • model a driver for the trukks
  • model passenger for trucks
  • model power klaw for nob.
  • buy new nob (fantasy black ork plastics?)
  • paint rokkit boyz
  • base kans
  • paint all stuff that needs modelling

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Splutch, Grot rigger

Added Splutch, the Grot rigger and more weathering, added more mud to the front and back as i was told they looked too clean. and more oil spots around the tracks. All that she needs now is a tank commander.

Closeup of Splutch

Front end with caked on mud

Back end with caked on mud

Right Side

Left Side

Monday, July 30, 2007

i'm super proud of the Russ. from my gameplan post:

  1. go to Michael's this week, buy:
    1. model car got 2 @ Toys R Us on clearance for <$5 each
    2. plastic glue
    3. black primer
    4. dulcote

  2. model a tank commander in the Russ
  3. prime the Russ. it's ready. prime it? bitch it's ready
  4. finish modeling drivers for the buggies and prime them
  5. prime the stormboyz which have been sitting on my desk for 4 months now.
  6. model the car from Michael's into a wartrukk
  7. fix the boyz whose basing is peeling from the base (sand)

Fuck me! I'm feeling creative!

So i've all but completed the Russ. Just need to model a commander and paint the grot rigger. here's some pix

Also i've finally put some work into my Killa Kans. Amy loves 'em. They still need some work and the base will really round out the looks.