Friday, August 10, 2007

8/9/07 750 points of Orks vs. Tyranids

750 points of Orks vs. Tyranids

Warboss – Slugga, Choppa, ‘Eavy Armour, Cybork Body
Trukk Boyz x9 – Burna; Nob – PK, Choppa; Trukk – Red paint, rokkit launcha
Slugga Boyz x20 – 3x Rokkit Launcha; Nob – PK, Choppa
Slugga Boyz x20 – 3x Rokkit Launcha; Nob – PK, Choppa
Killa Kan – Rokkit Launcha

He played:
Winged Hive Tyrant
Winged Warriors x4
Zoanthrope x2
Something with Twin Linked devourers
Gaunts upon gaunts upon gaunts (30-40 or so)

We played alpha level take and hold (the one with only the center objective). When he was setting up, I realized that I was way outnumbered and prepared for a MEQ army with all my armour penetration (rokkits all around) and *not* a swarmy army.

Took out his warrior unit quick enough, and he smashed my kan to pieces (this list I think needs another, prolly drop some boyz for it). The unit who smacked down the warriors (including my Warboss) got shot to hell and failed the morale test then the mob check, they ran and mobbed up with the unit dancing with the hive tyrant and a unit of gaunts.

When push came to shove I was down to one unit of boyz who had killed the gaunts and were finishing up on the hive tyrant. A unit below ½ strength who had been shot to hell and assaulted by gaunts and fought them off bravely. I realized that I would have one unit capable of capturing the objective, where he had 3-5. There was no way I could have laid them all out in one turn to at least pull the draw and I conceded.

I am happy how my warboss handled the winged warriors. I wish he had gotten into hth with the hive tyrant, but, meh, next time. I am not used to playing for objectives or I would have dumped all my boyz up on it and let them come to me. I may consider a unit of shoota boyz as a defensive gun line.

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