after a few messaged passed back and forth on a couple of message boards, I think Lustwing will not be viable in the points limits the store is playing at. At 750 points, a unit of 6 terminators would take up 1/3 of my army. putting a Luitenant or Lord with them, then units of Daemons and weapons, i would be well past the 750 point mark very fast and wouldn't have the staying power necessary at that size model count. Bikers cost about the same. with the same issues.
however, I can still fall back on the Word Bearers.
+ They can still perform the Daemon bomb very effectively. (loads of troops slots)
+ They can still use bikes to get summoners to a forward position
+ Less point heavy (14 point Marine +1pt mark of Chaos Undivided vs. 14pt marine +5pt mark os Slaanesh))
+ Can be converted to ZealotWing for high point games (termies still dropping, bikes still zooming, daemons still popping in from the ether)
+ Easier to paint than the pink.
+ Can use Bloodletters
- No Sonic Weapons (although i was never sold on these or the looks of Noise Marines)
- No modifier to enemy's initiative means striking at initiative mostly.
- No bonus for summoning
So at 750 points i know I will be a lot more viable as a DaemonBomb, and i can change it up to emulate ZealWing at higher point value games.
Maybe some other time.
***memory: The Lustwing was to be named: "Emporer's Children, 3rd Consort, Lustwing"***
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Monday, April 23, 2007
Lusting for Lustwing
So I've come across variants of the Emporer's Children which I think will suit my tastes well.
It's Fast: Bikers
It's Mean: Termies
It's Fun: Summoning and Deepstriking Daemons and Termies respectively
It's Cheap(ish): Higher points per model = lower model count = less to buy
It's called Lustwing. Generally Lustwing is based off of the Dark Angels Deathwing armies.I would have my Lustwing emulate both the Deathwing *and* the Ravenwing.
In Deathwing armies Terminators are Troops choices and there end up being a lot more than normal. Chaos does not have the availability in their lists to field that many termies but it can be emulated...
Ravenwing are a fast-attack army with bikes and land speeders. As chaos also does not have access to land speeders, I would be forced to leave those out as well, however this can be compensated for.
The idea of a mech-infantry army is still on the table, just changed somewhat. The idea has evolved thus:
Units of fast bikers, turbo boost up behind cover near the enemy, out of charge range. Each unit has a teleport homer and icon. 2nd turn, close in with the enemy 12", summon daemons, drop termies (if possible), charge with bikes and anything else in range.
Points of issue:
1.) Tanks - i would have very little tank-hunting ability unless i give my termies or bikes meltas
2.) Points - at the store I play, they lower points to 750/500. This is coming out harder to build to than with the orks.
Also, I am not sure as to the legion I want to use for this. Word Bearers would allow me to field Bloodletters (fun!) which would allow me to slice n dice through MEQ's (so I'm told). Yet Emporer's Children give my enemy -1 to their initiative allowing me to strike first in CC almost every time.
Also, unsure as to whether or not to make termies multi-role or unit specific. with the 2+ armour save and striking at an effective I5 is tempting to make them CC exclusively. However this would limit my tank hunting to my Bikers. Arming 2 bikers with Meltas and keeping them out of the fray in order to harass and destroy vehicles (with uber-mobility) would be a good job for them, perhaps a small unit or two set up for this? (3 bikes, 2 meltas, no Aspiring Champion).
Thinking now this would be my tentative Lustwing list (unsure as to point totals)
HQ - Luitenant (termie or biker, unsure, think perhaps the extra attacks in Close Combat would be a good thing to have, but will the termies be CC?) keep him cheap. (if termie, give unit of chosen termies) at higher point values would like to trick out luitenant or upgrade to lord.
Elite - Termies (close combat, Lit claws)
Troops - Daemonettes x6
Troops - Daemonettes x6 (maybe a unit or two more)
Fast - Bikers x6 (icon, aspiring champ, teleport homer)
Fast - Bikers x6 (icon, aspiring champ, teleport homer)
Fast - Bikers x3 (meltas x2)
that is all.
It's Fast: Bikers
It's Mean: Termies
It's Fun: Summoning and Deepstriking Daemons and Termies respectively
It's Cheap(ish): Higher points per model = lower model count = less to buy
It's called Lustwing. Generally Lustwing is based off of the Dark Angels Deathwing armies.I would have my Lustwing emulate both the Deathwing *and* the Ravenwing.
In Deathwing armies Terminators are Troops choices and there end up being a lot more than normal. Chaos does not have the availability in their lists to field that many termies but it can be emulated...
Ravenwing are a fast-attack army with bikes and land speeders. As chaos also does not have access to land speeders, I would be forced to leave those out as well, however this can be compensated for.
The idea of a mech-infantry army is still on the table, just changed somewhat. The idea has evolved thus:
Units of fast bikers, turbo boost up behind cover near the enemy, out of charge range. Each unit has a teleport homer and icon. 2nd turn, close in with the enemy 12", summon daemons, drop termies (if possible), charge with bikes and anything else in range.
Points of issue:
1.) Tanks - i would have very little tank-hunting ability unless i give my termies or bikes meltas
2.) Points - at the store I play, they lower points to 750/500. This is coming out harder to build to than with the orks.
Also, I am not sure as to the legion I want to use for this. Word Bearers would allow me to field Bloodletters (fun!) which would allow me to slice n dice through MEQ's (so I'm told). Yet Emporer's Children give my enemy -1 to their initiative allowing me to strike first in CC almost every time.
Also, unsure as to whether or not to make termies multi-role or unit specific. with the 2+ armour save and striking at an effective I5 is tempting to make them CC exclusively. However this would limit my tank hunting to my Bikers. Arming 2 bikers with Meltas and keeping them out of the fray in order to harass and destroy vehicles (with uber-mobility) would be a good job for them, perhaps a small unit or two set up for this? (3 bikes, 2 meltas, no Aspiring Champion).
Thinking now this would be my tentative Lustwing list (unsure as to point totals)
HQ - Luitenant (termie or biker, unsure, think perhaps the extra attacks in Close Combat would be a good thing to have, but will the termies be CC?) keep him cheap. (if termie, give unit of chosen termies) at higher point values would like to trick out luitenant or upgrade to lord.
Elite - Termies (close combat, Lit claws)
Troops - Daemonettes x6
Troops - Daemonettes x6 (maybe a unit or two more)
Fast - Bikers x6 (icon, aspiring champ, teleport homer)
Fast - Bikers x6 (icon, aspiring champ, teleport homer)
Fast - Bikers x3 (meltas x2)
that is all.
Friday, April 13, 2007
gah! no progress
I think my chaos obsession has laid waste to my Ork progress. I had read on a blog that painting for 5 minutes a day will work, but in order to do that I would need a dedicated workspace. I think if I were to get a laptop I could take over my computer desk as just a warhammer workspace, however, financially, this is not in the cards, so I will have to come up with another solution. I think perhaps, keeping the models I need to work on out, along with my modelling/painting toolbox easier access I will be more apt to spend a few minutes on it a day.
to work on:
need to finish modelling the commander in my tank.
also, finish modelling the buggy driver and gunner and get them primed.
baby steps.
to work on:
need to finish modelling the commander in my tank.
also, finish modelling the buggy driver and gunner and get them primed.
baby steps.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
To buy models from my local store for $25 for a box of 8 Chaos Space Marines (he does give a 10% discount). OR To buy a lot of Chaos Space Marines 25 assembled and primed for $25. Saving $2 per model.
While saving $2 per model is nice, removing the profit from the store (the *only* one in the area) removes the owners reason to be there. No store=no place to play. I know one person will not shut down a store, but there are more than one of us. The next closest shop is an hour+ away from the house.
What’s your take on it?
To buy models from my local store for $25 for a box of 8 Chaos Space Marines (he does give a 10% discount). OR To buy a lot of Chaos Space Marines 25 assembled and primed for $25. Saving $2 per model.
While saving $2 per model is nice, removing the profit from the store (the *only* one in the area) removes the owners reason to be there. No store=no place to play. I know one person will not shut down a store, but there are more than one of us. The next closest shop is an hour+ away from the house.
What’s your take on it?
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
i've been thinking of starting Chaos as a second army. a.) lower model count as more points per model. b.) less necessary to convert models=more playing time
So i've been toying with the idea of a mechanized infantry as well. I dig the mechanized tau force jumping out and shooting the hell out of you but i've come to the conclusion that i hate the crisis suits models. so i looked around at other possibilities for mech-inf.
1.) sisters of battle - jump out of rhino, flame, lather, rinse repeat. great models, but a lot more painting than i'm prepared to do. also, the tactic with them feels a little one-dimensional
2.) tau - see above
3.) space marines - Blood angels - we already have 2 blood angels players.
4.) space marines - black templars - still a possibility, but looking really slim due to some of the conversion which i will need to do.
5.) eldar - hate the models. period.
6.) dark eldar - see above
7.) 'nids - no transport
8.) chaos - hrmmmm....
9.) IG - nope, too troop heavy and don't want an armoured company
10.) 'crons - nope, too cheezy
so i started looking into chaos tactics. the one that drew my attention is the Daemon Bomb where a unit or three get close to the enemy quickly then summan as many daemon units as possible, attack, enjoy. i thought hard about this and i see the "bomb" as being just a modified mechanized infantry tactic. the biggest difference is that there will not be moving cover and the "transport" won't be as easy to stop (in theory).
the theory to why the "transport" won't be as easy to stop:
a rhino can be popped and stopped in one shot. it would take a well placed pie plate to stop a unit of bikers or footsloggers.
so i toyed with the idea of an undivided Word Bearers legion. being able to take loads of daemons sounds great, especially for a daemon bomb. but in reality i am trying to avoid an outrageous number of models.
so now i'm thinking of a marked legion, mark of Slaanesh. the Emporer's Children
The planned list looks a little like this:
HQ: Lord on bike w/all the fixxins
HQ: Greater Daemon - Keeper of Secrets
Fast: Biker Boys x6 - icon, Aspiring champion w/daemonic chains
Fast: 2x Biker Boys x6 - icon, Aspiring champion loaded up
Troops: Daemonettes x6 (not sure how many units of these)
Elite: Chosen x6 or Obliterators x3 (i want to be able to deep strike thses guys)
Heavy: Havocs x6 - infiltrate, aspiring champion, icon, loaded for anti-tank
Heavy: Havocs x6 - infiltrate, aspiring champion, icon, loaded for anti-tank
so the tactic of this is to roll up the biker boyz as close as possible. 2nd turn pop the greater daemon and as many 'nettes as possible. swamp 'em and bob's your uncle.
bathe in your enemy's blood
So i've been toying with the idea of a mechanized infantry as well. I dig the mechanized tau force jumping out and shooting the hell out of you but i've come to the conclusion that i hate the crisis suits models. so i looked around at other possibilities for mech-inf.
1.) sisters of battle - jump out of rhino, flame, lather, rinse repeat. great models, but a lot more painting than i'm prepared to do. also, the tactic with them feels a little one-dimensional
2.) tau - see above
3.) space marines - Blood angels - we already have 2 blood angels players.
4.) space marines - black templars - still a possibility, but looking really slim due to some of the conversion which i will need to do.
5.) eldar - hate the models. period.
6.) dark eldar - see above
7.) 'nids - no transport
8.) chaos - hrmmmm....
9.) IG - nope, too troop heavy and don't want an armoured company
10.) 'crons - nope, too cheezy
so i started looking into chaos tactics. the one that drew my attention is the Daemon Bomb where a unit or three get close to the enemy quickly then summan as many daemon units as possible, attack, enjoy. i thought hard about this and i see the "bomb" as being just a modified mechanized infantry tactic. the biggest difference is that there will not be moving cover and the "transport" won't be as easy to stop (in theory).
the theory to why the "transport" won't be as easy to stop:
a rhino can be popped and stopped in one shot. it would take a well placed pie plate to stop a unit of bikers or footsloggers.
so i toyed with the idea of an undivided Word Bearers legion. being able to take loads of daemons sounds great, especially for a daemon bomb. but in reality i am trying to avoid an outrageous number of models.
so now i'm thinking of a marked legion, mark of Slaanesh. the Emporer's Children
The planned list looks a little like this:
HQ: Lord on bike w/all the fixxins
HQ: Greater Daemon - Keeper of Secrets
Fast: Biker Boys x6 - icon, Aspiring champion w/daemonic chains
Fast: 2x Biker Boys x6 - icon, Aspiring champion loaded up
Troops: Daemonettes x6 (not sure how many units of these)
Elite: Chosen x6 or Obliterators x3 (i want to be able to deep strike thses guys)
Heavy: Havocs x6 - infiltrate, aspiring champion, icon, loaded for anti-tank
Heavy: Havocs x6 - infiltrate, aspiring champion, icon, loaded for anti-tank
so the tactic of this is to roll up the biker boyz as close as possible. 2nd turn pop the greater daemon and as many 'nettes as possible. swamp 'em and bob's your uncle.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Waaagh! vs. Necrons and 2nd Army
Played last night vs Necrons. Made a big boo-boo in armour pen vs the 'lith. Instead of rolling 2D6 and choosing the highest I accidentally rolled Str+2D6. oops. as such i popped his 'lith. And scored a sh!tloat of victory points.
current record with Orks: 4Wins, 5 Losses, 0 Ties, 44.44% Win.
On the plate for 1500 point Ork force:
on deck for 1500 point Ork force:
current record with Orks: 4Wins, 5 Losses, 0 Ties, 44.44% Win.
On the plate for 1500 point Ork force:
- Model tank commander
- finish modelling drivers and gunners for buggies
- prime kan, tank
on deck for 1500 point Ork force:
- model burna boyz
- finish modelling nob
- make sure to have enough rokkit boyz (if not model more)
- buy Caddy model
- model/paint caddy
- buy other trukk model
- Make sure to have enough boyz
Picked up the Chaos codex. Really excited about starting the army. If I pick up a box it will delay the orks, but also if i get a box and assemble all the models it may put me in the mood to work on my orks more?
Want to have the orks finished for MOM, not sure if I will have time to do what I want to with the army. would like to have it all modelled and painted. would settle for all modelled.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
2nd Army Ideas
After Orks are complete I'm thinking of a second army. In the event the winner is unable to fulfill her duties as Army the second will take her place...
I want to do a mechanized army, my ideas and suggestions from various forums include:
Mech Tau - do Mech well, but somewhat cheezy
Kult of Speed - do mech well, but i have an ork army
Sisters of Battle - would be fun to get all those flamers in close via rhino transport
Space Marines - Black Templars and Blood Angels bing my only options, Blood Angels are out as there's a BA player already.
IG - too model-heavy
Chaos - Access to rhinos, plus the Daemon Bomb!
I think at this point I'm gonna pick up the Chaos codex and read up on them. I LOVE the pic in the rulebook on pg. 128 showing the Word Bearer. almost definitely would go with a word-bearer daemon bombers. Bikes and rhino mounted marines, roll up, get out, pop the bomb. let the fun ensue.
I want to do a mechanized army, my ideas and suggestions from various forums include:
Mech Tau - do Mech well, but somewhat cheezy
Kult of Speed - do mech well, but i have an ork army
Sisters of Battle - would be fun to get all those flamers in close via rhino transport
Space Marines - Black Templars and Blood Angels bing my only options, Blood Angels are out as there's a BA player already.
IG - too model-heavy
Chaos - Access to rhinos, plus the Daemon Bomb!
I think at this point I'm gonna pick up the Chaos codex and read up on them. I LOVE the pic in the rulebook on pg. 128 showing the Word Bearer. almost definitely would go with a word-bearer daemon bombers. Bikes and rhino mounted marines, roll up, get out, pop the bomb. let the fun ensue.
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