Monday, April 23, 2007

Lusting for Lustwing

So I've come across variants of the Emporer's Children which I think will suit my tastes well.

It's Fast: Bikers
It's Mean: Termies
It's Fun: Summoning and Deepstriking Daemons and Termies respectively
It's Cheap(ish): Higher points per model = lower model count = less to buy

It's called Lustwing. Generally Lustwing is based off of the Dark Angels Deathwing armies.I would have my Lustwing emulate both the Deathwing *and* the Ravenwing.
In Deathwing armies Terminators are Troops choices and there end up being a lot more than normal. Chaos does not have the availability in their lists to field that many termies but it can be emulated...
Ravenwing are a fast-attack army with bikes and land speeders. As chaos also does not have access to land speeders, I would be forced to leave those out as well, however this can be compensated for.

The idea of a mech-infantry army is still on the table, just changed somewhat. The idea has evolved thus:

Units of fast bikers, turbo boost up behind cover near the enemy, out of charge range. Each unit has a teleport homer and icon. 2nd turn, close in with the enemy 12", summon daemons, drop termies (if possible), charge with bikes and anything else in range.

Points of issue:
1.) Tanks - i would have very little tank-hunting ability unless i give my termies or bikes meltas
2.) Points - at the store I play, they lower points to 750/500. This is coming out harder to build to than with the orks.

Also, I am not sure as to the legion I want to use for this. Word Bearers would allow me to field Bloodletters (fun!) which would allow me to slice n dice through MEQ's (so I'm told). Yet Emporer's Children give my enemy -1 to their initiative allowing me to strike first in CC almost every time.
Also, unsure as to whether or not to make termies multi-role or unit specific. with the 2+ armour save and striking at an effective I5 is tempting to make them CC exclusively. However this would limit my tank hunting to my Bikers. Arming 2 bikers with Meltas and keeping them out of the fray in order to harass and destroy vehicles (with uber-mobility) would be a good job for them, perhaps a small unit or two set up for this? (3 bikes, 2 meltas, no Aspiring Champion).

Thinking now this would be my tentative Lustwing list (unsure as to point totals)
HQ - Luitenant (termie or biker, unsure, think perhaps the extra attacks in Close Combat would be a good thing to have, but will the termies be CC?) keep him cheap. (if termie, give unit of chosen termies) at higher point values would like to trick out luitenant or upgrade to lord.
Elite - Termies (close combat, Lit claws)
Troops - Daemonettes x6
Troops - Daemonettes x6 (maybe a unit or two more)
Fast - Bikers x6 (icon, aspiring champ, teleport homer)
Fast - Bikers x6 (icon, aspiring champ, teleport homer)
Fast - Bikers x3 (meltas x2)

that is all.

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