Wednesday, May 2, 2007

progress, or lack thereof...

so since my last few posts i'v made absolutely nil progress. in my defense I'm getting married in a month and am kind of swamped between both jobs as well. haven't played in three weeks also.


in other news, i'm still thinking a badass army of word bearers would suit me well. lower model count than my orks. and still fun to play with using a daemon bomb.

in other, other news, i'm also reconsidering a Battlefleet Gothic fleet to support my army(ies). an ork fleet would be fitting for me, but also a Chaos fleet would go well with my new army. the orks would have more bits to work with for custom ships. dunno at this point, not sure if there are any players. I've emailed Rudy and Chuck from Sunshine to see if they'd be interested but they both have issues with taking up a whole new game. i don't see the difference in taking up a whole new game (whose rule books are completely free online) vs. taking up a new army which require a purchase of more models (more models are required for a 40k army as opposed to a similar point level of BFG) and a new rulebook for the new army. a 40k army would take more time to build, convert and paint than a BFG fleet. the system is different to that of 40k, but yet it still shares quite a few similarities that someone coming from 40k to it would not be completely lost.

i don't know, i guess you can lead a horse to water.

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