Thursday, July 26, 2007


Okay, so it's been probably 4 months since i've done anything with my army short of playing 3 games since being back from the honeymoon. (because i am still not all painted i've lost 2 of the three becasue of the dice gods)

Game plan -
  1. go to Michael's this week, buy:
    1. model car
    2. plastic glue
    3. black primer
    4. dulcote

  2. model a tank commander in the Russ
  3. prime the Russ. it's ready.
  4. finish modeling drivers for the buggies and prime them
  5. prime the stormboyz which have been sitting on my desk for 4 months now.
  6. model the car from Michael's into a wartrukk
  7. fix the boyz whose basing is peeling from the base (sand)
Before next Wednesday try to have one of these done.

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