Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Gah! decisions!

So I thought I had my army all set, had all my units ok and chosen. then I re-read and crunched numbers and stuff on my army.

Now I'm torn...

Do i run a plague wing theme-y or do i run plague wing competitive?
do I run the Terminators with Icon of Nurgle (+1T) or Icon of Tzeentch (+1Inv)
or do i have both options depending on my opponent?

The idea crossed me that, what do you shoot at a Terminator? one does not shoot a terminator with a bolter or bolt pistol. one shoots a terminator with your best armour piercing item you have in order to negate the terminator 2+ armour save.
that means, Plasma and autokill weapons.
Plasma @ S7 will negate my armour save no matter which choice i make due to it's AP. with icon of nurgle he still needs to roll 3s to deal a wound (t5) and i get a 5+Inv for termy armour.
with icon of tzeentch he still needs to roll 3s (t4) to wound and it still idnores my armour save but instead of a 33% chance to make my invulerable save i have a 50% +(4+inv) invulnerable save. negating 16% of wounds due to plasma.

+with Lascannons (S9, AP1 or 2, i forget) instakill on Tzeentch, but they still get their 4+inv. Not instakill on Nurgle, but wound on a 2 with no armour save.
+Icon of Tzeentch is 35 points for a unit instead of 40 for Nurgle.

Those are the benefits.

Now the detriments
-it's not nurgle, which makes it not plague wing.
-it's blue :(
-it's really un-fluffy Tzeentch hopes to change his followers while Nurgle wishes to keep them the same.

Now again, I can model and paint up both units of termies and use one in more serious games and one in friendly games. I can model the Tzeentch termies as starting Nurgle corruption showing that nurgle wins, but Tzeentch is still struggling


Ad Astra said...

I would stick with the nurgle terminators for the +1 toughness since you could probably keep them away from heavy weapons or plasma heavy squads. If you want the 4+ inv. save which is awesome when not take the mark of tzeentch but still paint and keep them as deathguard/nurgle? You could always say the 4+ come from a warp blessing from nurgle, etc. doesn't match the "fluff" in the codex but it seems like in the new chaos 'dex all the lines are blurred anyway.

Ray Guimond said...

i think i'm going to keep the nurgle icon on them, and playtest them.

if i find they are getting shot to hell with big-bad ap2 stuff, i'll try them with the tzeentch icon and see if it works better, and come up with a fluffy reasoning later :)

also a demon codex is supposed to be in the works and after that i've read that the cult armies are supposed to be getting their own codices a la Dark Angels and Blood Angels