Friday, January 4, 2008

Long time, no posts

So, i've been ignoring my blog and my army for the holidaze.

1.) A new store has opened to compete with Sunshine. the owner is not as creepy. the store is bigger (yay! no more rubbing butts!)
2.) i've come to a conclusion with my Plague Wing army: i will be modelling the army then paint all at once.
3.) i think i want to have Typhus as my HQ for bigger games (even though I have an aversion to special characters)

1 comment:

Ad Astra said...

I'd go with Typhus based on the model and the points. I think the Typhus model is one of the coolest in line of plague marines/death guard right out of the box, and stat wise you get a lot for him. Killer WS, 4 wounds, T 5, nurgles rot and the reaper. I've crunched the numbers and you can't build a lord or sorcerer with the same goods for the points.