I think possibly I will use zombies as Plaguebearers (lesser daemons) in my army as they can be fielded without taking up a slot.
B&C Thread - "Zombie Themed Nurgle Army?"
I found pictures of the conversion of Zombie parts + Marine parts that look cool and relatively simple. if i was to do this the list would look similar to this:
Chaos Lord - MoN, Plaguebringer, Terminator Armour
Plague Marines x7 - Champ, PFist, Plas guns x2, Rhino, Icon
Plague Marines x7 - Champ, PFist, Plas guns x2, Rhino, Icon
Lesser Daemons x7
Lesser Daemons x7
Lesser Daemons x7
Lesser Daemons x7
Lesser Daemons x7
(insert something to take out tanks, termies w/combi meltas, Drednaught, Bikes with Meltas)
Thursday, February 7, 2008
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I really like the idea of zombies as daemons... I had my heart set on building a LatD list using my existing Plague Marines and a nice contingent of plague zombies but with the advent of the new codex, LatD has been relegated to the list of "apocolypse only" armies.
This idea would totally let me start including Zombies to my list after all as counts-as Daemons. How cool is that.
I have been playing with the idea of a zombie nurgle army for some time- something like out of the Soul Drinkers books. Legions of animated dead drawn from cultists, fallen imperial guard, and maybe even a loyalist space marine here and there. Problem is I don't think it would be an effective army on the table at all. At whatever point level you play if you only take two Death Guard squads in a Rhino that is your only two shooting units, and no anti-tank other then a plasma and/or melta gun. Daemons in the new codex just stink on the table even for "cheap" scoring units. I think GW intended for players to fill the ranks with them since they don't take up a troops slot, but what do you really get for 13 points? 2 S 4 attacks and a 5+ inv. save? Even being fearless they will get shot up before they can crash the ranks. Maybe they could be useful if there was a way to delay the summoning or bring them in when you want so you can get into assault summoning range with you Death Guard first. I used to run twenty daemons in my 1750 list but since have dropped them for more plague marines. I want to play them, I love the fluff, but I also want to win. Now, if you could play them as cultists even hitting on 5+ with pistols would be fantastic. Not trying to dis your post, I just think GW made the uber daemon option unplayable as Chaos (knowingly) since their daemon codex is coming out. That is another rant for another time- an all daemon army? This is 40K not fantasy.
Fritz, i do think they're gonna get shot to shit. but i think it would be a lot of fun to just drop 35 models on the table over the course of a game. fearless objective holders.
and this was really just a mental defecation, an idea popped into my head and i wanted it out for posterity.
Deamons always get shot up good. that's what they're there for. :-P
The idea is more about modeling and theme than for uber-game-winning list building.
Kinda like my idea for modeling a bunch of raptors with fly wings for my death guard... Not likely to happen but it would be cool anyway. :-)
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