Thursday, March 27, 2008

Long time, no post

Sporadic posting.
Little work has been done on the army. I've got my Daemon prnce in the works, I've got my Rhino in the works, I've got a box of Chaos Space Marines which I haven't touched. I've got a fleet of Ork BFG ships in the works.

Just got wrapped up with World of Warcraft (see blog).

I have a houseguest until Tuesday 4/1, but after that I'm going to try to set a daily goal of spending 1 hour modeling/painting/whatever.

This army has not been abandoned.

Keep looking back for more progress.


Anonymous said...

I totally understand how things get. I lost a month of time to building my wife a converted rhino for her Sisters of Battle.

That and life has kept me form doing as much work as I would have liked. I normally only get a couple hours every Tuesday I can dedicate to 40K modeling.

For my 1000pt list, I've finally gotten around to assembling the second rhino and vindicator for my nurgle boyz. The greenstuff work has already begun on the rhino on which I've also incorporated the results of my latest experiment: squash casting! The results aren't 100% to my satisfaction but it should greatly reduce the amount of effort and GS is required per tank in the future.

I have also assembled all but one of the 22 marines in the list. With about half still needing some level of "gooping up" to nurglefy them.

Then it'll be a massive effort to get the little boogers painted! Maybe by the end of the year. :-P


Ray Guimond said...

Dave, you *need* to post up how you did that amazing GS work on your rhino! please!?!?

Anonymous said...

I'm making a tutorial for the squash casting and how I'm utilizing it for converting Rhino #2. It's going to be an entry into a how-to contest on another forum but once I submit it I could send you copy or give you a link. So far it's about two pages worth of text with a planned 14 pictures. I just need to spend an hour with some greenstuff, take one last picture and I'll be done.

Check out the results of my Wife's "stretch Rhino" at the following URL:

Ray Guimond said...

is that the rhino you have with the skulls in GS popping out? the one on your Photobucket? I like the squash casting, but i'm really interested in the skulls you did on the rhino.

Anonymous said...

I'll see if I can get good pics of the process... I'm pretty new to sculpting but for the most part you just start poking the wad of GS until it looks the way you want it. I've found things like the skulls and pock marks are pretty easy compared to more uniform things like the fluer-de-lys I did got the Sister's Rhino. Or straps on my Orks.

I need a second person to take photos of things like this because I don't have enough hands to do the work and simultaneously take pics. :-)

We'll see. I have until the end of the month to finish my work for the contest... Skull Sculpting could be another entry idea.
