Monday, January 28, 2008

Paint tests

So I've been working on my paint tests since Silver Dragon has been sold out of Chaos models for a while now. I've been able to paint there and give advice and receive some as well.

My paint tests, as I posted these are the results of my test paints. i'm happy with the armour, not sure how i feel about the trim and not sure how i feel about the backpacks/guns, weapons. i am really unsure about the skin on the models whose heads show. this is tough because in my next wave of chaos space marines i convert i want to add some Zombie arms and make them look all rotten.

anyhoo, here's my pics of the test paints.


David The Archmage said...

I like it, though it does seem really dark. Maybe going one shade lighter on the trim and weapons? They just need a little something to "pop" to really bring them to life.

Ray Guimond said...

for the trim, I'm planning on going one shade up on the extreme highlights, graveyard earth.

as far as the weapons, i'm not sure how to do anything with them. i really want them to look rusted and old. again, as these are paint tests, these are the metal models (hate 'em) and will not be used in the final army. any suggestions?

as for the skin, i think a brown wash then a rotting flesh/scorpion green drybrush may make them stand out from the armor a bit more.

any other ideas?