Saturday, September 29, 2007

I've been toying with the idea of a Chaos 2nd army for a while now and really like the Deathwing SM army, but don't want to play SM.
I drew up a quick list of what I would need for a PlagueWing army:
1.) Termies
2.) Delivery system (Chosen, Raptors or Bikers)
3.) Nurgle on everything (it's not ChaosWing, it's PlagueWing!)
4.) Keep unit sizes at 7 (keep it somewhat fluffy, not a HARD requirement)

With those parameters I drew up the following 1,000 Point list:

HQ - Chaos Lord - Termie Armour, Mark of Nurgle, Daemon Weapon - 155pts
Troops - Plague Marines x7 - Champ w/pfist, plas gun x1 - 216pts
Troops - Plague Marines x7 - Champ w/pfist, plas gun x1 - 216pts
Elite - Chaos Terminators x7 - Icon of Nurgle, Champ - 260pts
Fast - Chaos Bikers x3 - Icon of Nurgle - 149pts ==================================================
25 models
39.84 points per model
43.37% Troops
26.10% Elite
15.56% HQ
14.95% Fast Attack

Issues raised with this list:
1.) Bikers are too vulnerable. With only 3 of them if one dies they *may* run.
2.) Not enough delivery systems. Only icon is the bikers.
3.) Basic troops not defended enough. Was suggested to bring rhinos for each Plague marine squad in order to work as mobile terrain and get them in range faster.
4.) Termies need upgrades. I know a reaper autocannon would be nice, but can't squeeze it in points-wise.

Possible fixes:
1.) drop termy squad to 4 or 5, freeing up points for upgrades of termies and rhinos.
2.) change 3 bikers (who will be testing after the first kill) to 5 raptors with an icon who will have to take 2 kills before a test is needed.
3.) specialize termies. not sure how, close combat or shooty? one would say that a CC termy would really benefit from his 2+ save, but a shooty termy would benefit from being able to move + shoot heavy weaps.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Death Guard/Plague Wing

Again, I still think a Plague Wing would be possible (if hard to play) at 1000 points. Got the new codex and will toss around numbers tonight.

I had read on one person's army blog that he had used poppy seeds as basing material as a swarm of bugs. inked black and gloss coated.

Also reading up on modelling on Dysartes.

thinking of a name...

Looking up synonyms for Death Guard
words I like for Guard: Aegis, Paladin, Custodian
words I like for Death: Putrid, Rancid, Noxious, Carrion
Both: Corpus Delicti

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Thoughts on PlagueWing

Thoughts on a PlagueWing army...
Basically a unit or 2 (in big games) of bikers with homing beacons (or chosen with beacons infiltrating) which can call forth the Nurgle icon'd Terminators. There would be some Nurgle and/or plague marines as well as some sort of HQ. POSSIBLY a rhino, but most likely footsloggers, however footsloggers would not fit well into the army and wouldn’t make a lot of sense.

My question is this: would deep striking and biker Nurgle troops be SUPER cheesy? I know you said in a game we had played that they don't generally use transports or fast attack, but with the new codex would it be conceivable that while not Death Guard, they could be a Nurgle worshipping chapter who happens to use those elements?

So with that said army concepts:
1.) Fast deployment of 2+ squads of Terminators
2.) All squads are marked by Nurgle
3.) If infiltrating homing beacon, then footslogging troops
4.) If biking beacon, then transport troops (Rhino)

Infiltrating the homing beacons:
+ Cheaper, points-wise, more models on the table.
+ Slower moving (walking troops up the field)
+ Heavy weapons available close to target

Biking the homing beacons:
+ Fast
+ REALLY cool looking models
+ Low model count = lower financial commitment
+ Possible late game objective grabbers

Monday, September 24, 2007


Thought of the day:
still considering a 2nd army, even with the new orks coming out. still thinking along the lines of Chaos as I think that in small numbers they still pack a punch and aren't as mainstream as space marines.
addition to those thoughts are the idea of a Nurgle-marked army playing as Plaguewing. A unit of bikes with a homer beacon racing up the battlefield to dump a unit of Nurgle Termies in front of the enemy. The bikers getting stuck in all the while the basic nurgle troops walking up the field.

Pro's and Con's:
+Low model count
+awesome models
+T6 Bikes?!?!?!
+fun to play
-unfluffy (Plague Marines don't use bikes)
-some major conversion
+less than orks!
+i have plenty of green paint!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Proposed new Army

Warboss - Choppa, Power Klaw, Eavy Armour
Big Mek - KFF, Choppa
Grots x20 - Slaver - Rokkit
Slugga Boyz x18 - Rokkits, Nob - Power Klaw
Slugga Boyz x17 - , Nob - Power Klaw
Killa Kan x3 - Big Shootas
Killa Kan x3 - Big Shootas
Killa Kan x2 - Big Shootas

Friday, September 7, 2007

Chaos Neutered, Orks Living Large

So i've seen (what I hope to be) pretty reliable leaks of the Chaos and Ork codices.

The new Chaos codex really turned me off of playing chaos. Vanilla-fy's what is a really cool army.

The new Ork codex, takes some of my favorite stuff out, but puts in a bunch more. example: Orks lose Choppas. but they also are 3pts cheaper and gain Furious Assault (+1S +1A on charge). I haven't heard any rumors about a change in the ork stat line (good and bad). i had seen that grots could get their BS pushed up to 3, which would be inconsistent with fluff, orks should be better or equal BS with Grots.
hoping they don't take the ork base 2 attacks Strength 4 would be nice, but i've lived with S3 for 5 years now, so not expecting much in that.

thinking the Furious Assault adds 1 attack and strength on charge stacks with the +1 attack for assaulting and +1 for 2 CC weapons.

Ork base attacks 2
2 CC weapons +1
Charging +1
Furious Assault +1

5 Attacks per model in the Kill Zone!!!! gah!

Adding to the list

Picked up some styrofoam @ work which will make cool dragon's teeth tank traps and gun emplacements.

so now the to do list looks like so:
  • Build tank traps (would like to have done for Tuesday)
  • Build gun emplacements (would like to have done for Tuesday)
  • Pebble and sane building (would like to have done for Tuesday)
  • Texture building (would like to have done for Tuesday)
  • Spray prime building (would like to have done for Tuesday)
  • Paint building (would like to have done for Tuesday)
  • Paint tank traps (would like to have done for Tuesday)
  • Paint gun emplacements (would like to have done for Tuesday)
  • Paint Nob (fix primer)
  • Paint Burna Boy
  • Finish Modelling trukk

and here I was thinking i didn't have much to do.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

I picked up some "textured" paint @ michael's yesterday and tested it out on a pice of scrap foamboard and then after it dried i went ahead and primed it black. it gives a great texture (particles aren't too big). it takes a primer well. i haven't tried drybrushing over it, but i think it won't be a problem as the texture looks like it's gonna hold real nice.

on deck for the piece:
  • battle damage, wear and tear (bullet holes, blasts, etc)
  • finish my crater:
  • chop down and un-even the rim, round out the bottom, sand and rubble the outside and glue it to the base.
  • sand and rubble the base
  • texture the building
  • prime and paint

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

More terrain

More progress on the terrain, built a bomb crater last night. Posted to The Waaagh! where i got the advice to chop down the rim a bit and uneven it. also to round out the bottom. i thought perhaps the crater may have been a bit big, but i was assured that it looked good in the model.

picked up some textured spray paint in order to texture the walls.

hopefully i will have it ready for next game club night.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Gaming Club and Terrain

So Friday night a group from Sunshine got together outside of Sunshine and played at a new place. Was a little warm to start, but after the sun went down we were much more comfortable. the AC should be fixed before soon which should alleviate some of this.

in moving venues we will not have access to Joel's terrain. we made do Friday with sheets of paper (being blown around by the fans circulating the one AC's cold air) with RUINS, HILL, FOREST printed on them. so I thought it would be cool to build some terrain to (hopefully) get some other people into building it for the group.

first shot with Barry, the scale ork:

and then the finished product:

I think I want a blast crater in the center of the building in order to explain why the building is in shambles. thought about sandbags too a la' the Forgeworld piece Rudy did, but i think i would be over modeling it at that point. and i would like to add more terrain to our group.

FYI, at the moment it is all built from 1/4" foamboard.
glued with PVA glue
the base is 12" x 12"
to get to the point currently is about 3 hours.

foamboard - on sale at michaels $1.97
Forgeworld Resin piece - $50
