Monday, June 30, 2008

Weekend progess

  • Friday night I greenstuffed my Daemon Prince along his gaps.
  • Saturday I spent the day modeling. I pinned the arms to my DP and greenstuffed him, built the base, added more greenstuff to the rhino, I think it's done. and tried out a couple more ideas for paint schemes.
  • Sunday I sealed the flocking on my daemon prince base (cork, plasticard tubing, and basing material [sand]).
  • Tonight I will pin his head and prime him and his base (seperate).

  • Still waiting on those catachan flamer backpacks from JC. Once I have them i can finish modeling the Plague Marines in progress.
  • My ork capital ships fell Friday morning and broke. I will have to glue them back together :(
  • Listening to podcasts really is getting me in the mood to play (especially 5th edition). I'm listening to 40k Radio, The D6 Generation, and This Week In Wargaming
  • I absolutely love the new washes. Really making some nice-easy work for me.

Friday, June 27, 2008

5th Edition

Listening to the new podcast The D6 Generation episode 9. They speak with Yakface from DakkaDakka about the 5th Edition rulebook they've had time to look over.

I'm really excited! I thought I would have major issues with a 5th edition after just buying the 4th edition rulebook 2 years ago. The new assault rules sound great with protracted melees being a rare occurrence. I see the Orks as being a powerful force in this new edition, slamming into a unit 30 strong and tearing through it. I also see my Plague Marines as being amazing objective holders with cover saves all over the place and them just being plain BADASS to move off of an objective. Their rhinos will be more survivable running them all over the place.

i'm really excited!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I've been listening to a new podcast "The D6 Generation".
The hosts of it are big supporters of the Privateer Press games (to the point that the first couple of shows sound like "Why Russ Wakelin hates GW").
I tried a demo game with a guy at the Silver Dragon a couple months ago (sorry if I forgot your name, man) and enjoyed it, even though the guy demonstrating it with me was a douche and made a side comment at how 40K is brainless, I really like the mechanics of damage allocation and the focus but I'm not sold on the skirmish level of it.
I play (or try to) 40k because I like having squad A go hide behind that ruined building while squad B runs up the center to do whatever.

My other issue is that I am not sure my wallet can handle another miniatures game...hrm...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

BFG Progress

Worked on the BFG fleet last night. Over the weekend I worked on my BFG fleet, I got my Brute Ramships all primed and got my Kill Kroozer and Terror Ship painted. I thought I needed some more detail on those two so last night I went ahead and added some more detail to them with checks on the tail of the Terror ship. I added a white stripe to the underside of the bow of the Kill Kroozer to have dags or more checks. The ships are almost solid colors with metallic weapons and launch bays. The Terror ship is red, the Kill Kroozer is blue. I think the capital ships will be solid colors like this and my escorts will be more metallic with color highlights.

Naming the fleet:
In nautical lore it's bad luck to have an unnamed ship, so I wll be naming my ships.
Flagship - Hulk - will be named the "Waaagh!mato"
I am thinking of orkifying some other ship names for my fleet:
SS Minnow, Nautilus, Orca, Red October, Argo, Octopus,
Also orky words:
Dakka, Zap, Boom, Waaagh!, Grim, Gork, Mork
Jolly Waaagh!ger
Noah's Ork
No, Siriusly

Monday, June 23, 2008

Minor work

So I'm still working on this stuff. What's on deck:
1.) Plague Wing - may be changed to Sons of Mortarion, thinking of changing up composition. Still modeling the basics, HQ, troops and such. Waiting on some Cadian flamer backpacks to mix into the rest (skull+crossbones=awesome).
1a.) Modling daemon prince, attached right leg yesterday, left leg going on tonight then going to greenstuff the holes and seal it better.
1b.) Rhino needs more greenstuff work, TBD.
1c.) Need another rhino.
2.) Battlefleet Gothic - Started painting my Ork BFG fleet. I like the look so-far, but the limited pallette is not quite right, i think i'll add in some more orky looks tonight, checks, dags, etc.
3.) Aeronautica Imperialis - I'm hooked and I haven't played on game yet. I'm trying to get some fellow gamers to place an order with me to Forgeworld and have the order shipped to one place so we can save on shipping. No luck yet, if I don't hear from them by 7/4 I'll place my order without them.