Monday, September 3, 2007

Gaming Club and Terrain

So Friday night a group from Sunshine got together outside of Sunshine and played at a new place. Was a little warm to start, but after the sun went down we were much more comfortable. the AC should be fixed before soon which should alleviate some of this.

in moving venues we will not have access to Joel's terrain. we made do Friday with sheets of paper (being blown around by the fans circulating the one AC's cold air) with RUINS, HILL, FOREST printed on them. so I thought it would be cool to build some terrain to (hopefully) get some other people into building it for the group.

first shot with Barry, the scale ork:

and then the finished product:

I think I want a blast crater in the center of the building in order to explain why the building is in shambles. thought about sandbags too a la' the Forgeworld piece Rudy did, but i think i would be over modeling it at that point. and i would like to add more terrain to our group.

FYI, at the moment it is all built from 1/4" foamboard.
glued with PVA glue
the base is 12" x 12"
to get to the point currently is about 3 hours.

foamboard - on sale at michaels $1.97
Forgeworld Resin piece - $50


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