Tuesday, June 24, 2008

BFG Progress

Worked on the BFG fleet last night. Over the weekend I worked on my BFG fleet, I got my Brute Ramships all primed and got my Kill Kroozer and Terror Ship painted. I thought I needed some more detail on those two so last night I went ahead and added some more detail to them with checks on the tail of the Terror ship. I added a white stripe to the underside of the bow of the Kill Kroozer to have dags or more checks. The ships are almost solid colors with metallic weapons and launch bays. The Terror ship is red, the Kill Kroozer is blue. I think the capital ships will be solid colors like this and my escorts will be more metallic with color highlights.

Naming the fleet:
In nautical lore it's bad luck to have an unnamed ship, so I wll be naming my ships.
Flagship - Hulk - will be named the "Waaagh!mato"
I am thinking of orkifying some other ship names for my fleet:
SS Minnow, Nautilus, Orca, Red October, Argo, Octopus,
Also orky words:
Dakka, Zap, Boom, Waaagh!, Grim, Gork, Mork
Jolly Waaagh!ger
Noah's Ork
No, Siriusly

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