Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Final Draft - 1st Contagion PlagueWing

Ok, I think this is the final draft of my list. I have touched upon anti-tank. I have dropped the bikes. I think this should be my build list.

1st Contagion PlagueWing
HQ: Daemon Prince (Brother Funesto) - Mark of Nurgle, Wings, Wind of Chaos - 180pts
Troops: Plague Marines x7 (Squad Foedus) - Champion w/pfist, Melta x2, Personal Icon, Rhino - 261pts
Troops: Plague Marines x7 (Squad Detritus) - Champion w/pfist, Plasma x2, Personal Icon, Rhino - 271pts
Elites: Chaos Terminators x7 (Squad Pox)- Icon of Nurgle, Combi Melta x2, Reaper Autocannon - 285pts
995 points
24 models (including rhinos)
41.45 points per model
53.46% Troops28.64%
Elite18.09% HQ

When time comes to bring it up to 1500 points I believe another squad of Termies will be dropping in, along with some bikers. Basically running the Rhinos up front, deep striking off of the icons and if possible run the bikes behind the enemy and deep strike the termies behind as well causing a crossfire?
But for now, just the 1000 point list.

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