Monday, October 1, 2007

Revision to Plaguewing

So some holes have been punched in my previous list, but that's good! I asked for constructive criticism in order to help make a more fun and competitive list.
points of note:
1.) bikers too vulnerable. my fix for this was taking raptors @ 5 to a squad, but that would have been in the same boat after 2 kills. then the idea dawned to drop them altogether! loosening up 150 points for elsewhere. and it kept me a bit fluffier as i now wouldn't have a squad of 3 in an army made up of 7's.
2.) Lord wasn't right for the army. i looked back in the codex and read up on sorcerers and saemon princes and i think a DP will work better in the army. although more points than the lord, i think he'll be more effective as i can deep strike him if i like, he can't be instakilled, toughness 6 means it'll take a lot to kill him. also means that he can take out tanks and non-fearless units have to test to get into CC with him.
3.) Plague Marines were too vulnerable. It was suggested to give them rhinos. so i did, and they're super cheap!
3.) Not enough anti-tank. so i added some meltas and stuff.

without further adieu the revised list 10/1/07
HQ - Daemon prince - Mark of Nurgle, Wings, Wind of Chaos - 180 pts
Troops - Plague Marines x7 - Melta Guns x2, Personal Icon, Champion w/pfist, Rhino - 261 points
Troops - Plague Marines x7 - Plasma Guns x2, Personal Icon, Champion w/pfist, Rhino - 271 points
Elites - Chaos Terminators x7 - Icon of Nurgle, Combi Meltas x2, Reaper Autocannon - 285 points
997 points
24 models (including rhinos)
41.54 points per model
53.36% Troops
28.58% Elite
18.05% HQ

I also thought about this today after adding in the rhinos, this is now very similar to the mech- idea i wanted in the beginning!

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