Thursday, October 18, 2007

Strategum Plague Wing

Plague Marines -
+ Make dead hard objective holders.
+ In cover with 3+ armour saves. being assaulted means striking @ I10 and the opponent loses the charging bonus attacks due to Blight Grenades.
+ T5 means MEQs wound on 5's. (33% chance to wound)
+ 3+ save means 66% chance to wound (Down to 21.78% wounds)
+ Feel No Pain means 10.89% dead Plague Marines per attack (9.1827 hits = 1 kill)
+ Keep together in order to reinforce overlapping fire lanes

Rhinos -
+ Move footslogging plague marines up the board
+ smoke makes the tin-foil armour of the rhinos a little more survivable
+ once troops unload Rhinos provide mobile cover
+ two rhinos can funnel enemy into a turkey shoot

Terminators -
+ Deep strike off of plague marines icons
+ provide close support to plague marines
+ T5 again means 33% to hit from MEQs
+ 2+ armout save means 10.89% dead termies (9.1827 hits = 1 kill)

Daemon Prince -
+ Not insta-killable
+ Strength + 2D6 armour penetration
+ Wings allow it to keep up with the rhinos
+ Psychic power - Wind of Chaos to kill masses of enemies shooting-style. May use Nurgle's Rot instead as the DP will most likely be in hand-to-hand and kill as many enemy as possible.

Basically, roll the rhinos up to an objective and "camp" it. Unload plague marines then deep strike the termies in the area. Termies provide close support and some assault punches. Daemon prince to tie up squads (squishy-squishy) who may be too much for my Plague Marines and Termies to handle. Essentially "turtling" on the objective while the enemy comes to me.

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